“The Happiest Preschool” in Childhood Education Innovations magazine
Dr. Martha Heineman Pieper was invited by Childhood Education Innovations to submit an excerpt from “The Happiest Preschool: A Manual for Teachers.”
A History of the Origins and Evolution of Intrapsychic Humanism
On the 20th anniversary of the publication of Intrapsychic Humanism: An Introduction to a Comprehensive Psychology and Philosophy of Mind, Dr. Martha Heineman Pieper talks about the genesis of the psychology behind the landmark book.
LEARN MOREQ&A With Dr. Martha Heineman Pieper, Intrapsychic Humanism Society Webinar, Oct. 16, 2021
Dr. Martha Heineman Pieper answers questions on the theory of Intrapsychic Humanism and the principles of Inner Humanism psychotherapy and their application to treating adults and adolescents in individual psychotherapy, children in play therapy, parent counseling, couples therapy, and consultation with preschool teachers.
LEARN MOREWhen Our Choices Are Not Really Our Own
Most of us see our major decisions — what college to attend, what career to choose, whether to marry, etc. — as up to us, but are hidden forces operating to push us down certain paths? To what extent are our decisions the product of free choice and to what extent are we being influenced by forces outside of our control.
LEARN MORETeaching Kindness
Children really do as we do, so we must model kindness and not demand it. Our children want to be just like us, so if we yell we should not be surprised to find our children doing the same. It doesn’t make much sense to hold children responsible when they imitate our irritable, angry or punitive responses. On the other hand, when we are able to respond with compassion and understanding, children will learn kindness.
LEARN MOREOn Naturalistic Research
One of the exciting implications of the postpositivist, heuristic paradigm of scientific investigation is that it allows social and behavioral researchers and practitioners simultaneously to uphold their ideals of doing genuine science and to harness the robust possibilities of naturalistic research to study the full complexity of clinical practice.
LEARN MORERaising a Successful Student From Birth Through Adolescence
We are living in a period in which it is clear that U.S. students are falling behind students from other countries, particularly in math and science.
LEARN MOREHelping Foster Parents Manage the Addiction to Unhappiness in Their Foster Children
When caseworkers help foster parents understand what is driving their foster children’s negative behavior, foster parents will find it easier to maintain their commitment to the children.
LEARN MOREThe Privilege of Being a Therapist
A fresh perspective from intrapsychic humanism on caregiving intimacy and the development of the professional self.
LEARN MOREScience, Not Scientism: The Robustness of Naturalistic Clinical Research
Naturalistic research has been overlooked and underutilized owing to the scientism that has colored the thinking of social work researchers and practitioners since the 1950s.
LEARN MOREDoing Good Science Without Sacrificing Good Values
Why the heuristic paradigm is the best choice for social work.
LEARN MOREThe Obsolete Scientific Imperative in Social Work Research
In a misguided attempt to be scientific, social work has adopted an outmoded, overly restrictive paradigm of research
LEARN MOREIt’s Not Tough, It’s Tender Love
Problem teens need compassion that the “tough-love” approach to child-rearing doesn’t offer them
LEARN MORESocial Casework Practice During the “Psychiatric Deluge”
A number of powerful but untested assumptions continue to influence professional formulations and practices.
LEARN MORETreating Violent “Untreatable” Adolescents
While intrapsychic humanism asserts that the psychic pain that Freud and others assume to be the inevitable unhappiness of everyday living not only can be treated, but can also be prevented, intrapsychic humanism is not utopian.
LEARN MOREHow to Parent Successfully Now So Your Child Will Thrive in the Long Run
What is the best way to parent children so they will make good choices in all areas of their lives?
LEARN MOREHow to Know When Psychotherapy is Really Working
Both therapist and client can find it very challenging to assess the effectiveness of an ongoing treatment process.
LEARN MOREMonsters Under the Bed and Superheroes in the Playroom
Enabling children to make sense of what they are feeling is crucial to their healthy development.